HLR  0.0.1
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CHLR::Vision::CupDetectionCollection of detected cups Collection of detected cups where the location of the cups is described in where it's center is located in the depth frame
 CHLR::Kinematics::RV2AJ::DriverDriver for the Mitsubishi RV2-AJ
 CHLR::Vision::ICupDetectorCan detect cups using the Kinect color and depth camera. This class allows its user to detect cups in a depth image of the Kinect. It also offers an interface to get the latest frames from the three Camera's the Kinect offers
 CHLR::Vision::CupDetectorImplementation of CupDetector
 CHLR::Vision::MockCupDetectorMocks a ICupDetector Mocks an ICupDetector by reading frames from files
 CHLR::PointCloud::ISensorInterpreterAn abstract class responsible for reading and interpreting the data from a device interpreting the world
 CHLR::PointCloud::KinectInterpreterA class responsible for reading and interpreting the Kinect data
 CHLR::PointCloud::LidarInterpreterA class responsible for reading and interpreting the LiDAR data
 CHLR::Kinematics::KinematicsContains the functions to compute the forward and inverse kinematics for the mitsubishi rv-2aj robot arm
 CHLR::Kinematics::Matrix< T, m, n >Create a matrix with numerical values
 CHLR::Kinematics::Matrix< double, 3, 1 >
 CHLR::Kinematics::Matrix< double, 4, 2 >
 CHLR::PointCloud::ObjectA class for mapping the ROS::Object defined in msg/Object.msg
 CHLR::PointCloud::ObjectInterpreterClass responsible for merging the world data from the Kinect and the LiDAR
 CHLR::Kinematics::ObjectMoveHandlerInterface to send commands to the Kinematics component Executes actions on the robotarm based in the incoming messages
 CHLR::PointCloud::PointCloudNodeThis class is the main class for the PointCloud namespaces
 CHLR::Kinematics::RV2AJ::SerialOO wrapper around POSIX serial devices
 CHLR::Simulation::VirtualSerialInterfaceInterface the simulate the serial connection to the robot arm
 CHLR::Simulation::AbstractControllerCreates to ROS topics to listen to the incoming messages
 CHLR::Simulation::MitsubishiControllerImplements the virtual functions of AbstractController. Used to parse the messages for the Mitsubishi RV-2AJ and send commands to the Gazebo simulation
 CHLR::Simulation::VirtualServoVirtualServo is used to simulate realistic movement of the servo